I recently moderated a webinar for EURADA where my colleagues from Artisans of Innovation discussed how the creative, cultural & digital industries can lead the new post-COVID innovation economy. We had over 70 regional development professionals from all over Europe join us for an exploration of what actions, frameworks and strategies we need to put in place to build a strong and sustainable creative economy.
The lockdown has seen a whole variety of webinars on the economic, social and cultural responses to the pandemic and I’ve hopped on a number of such discussions from Europe, the Caribbean, Africa and the Pacific Islands. It’s been an amazing few weeks and its shows what can be done when we bring technology and creativity to bear on the biggest problems we face.
Johanna Suo and Khawar Hameed talked about this in their presentations to the webinar delegates, the need to connect with and embrace multi-sector and cross sector approaches, skills, ideas and mindsets. In building what will be a very different next few years to the one we imagined, this blending of digital technology with cultural diversity and creative economy strategies will be front and centre.
Something of a new Renaissance perhaps.
The link is to an article I wrote with Johanna and Khawar for Diplomatic World magazine called The Second Creative Revolution. Take a look and let me know your thoughts.